Saturday, August 13, 2011

What I think happened

Okay so this is a carefully reconstructed series of events that I think may have happened based off evidence.

The reason why I shouldn't be allowed up past 12 am

So somehow in my infinite wisdom I decided to stay up ridiculously late. As it turns out tas time wears on my IQ plummets. I woke up to find this little gem sitting on my computer. Apparently yeah the letter A is a dick.

[13/08/2011 1:24:19 AM] Mixzilla: owow
[13/08/2011 1:24:32 AM] Mixzilla: I like thins that begin with o
[13/08/2011 1:24:36 AM] Mixzilla: like ohai
[13/08/2011 1:24:39 AM] Mixzilla: or ohaithar
[13/08/2011 1:24:42 AM] Sebastian<3!: OLOLOLOLOLOL
[13/08/2011 1:24:48 AM] Mixzilla: or like orange
[13/08/2011 1:25:01 AM] Mixzilla: more things should start with o
[13/08/2011 1:25:08 AM | Edited 1:25:15 AM] Mixzilla: olike othis
[13/08/2011 1:25:40 AM] Sebastian<3!: ....
[13/08/2011 1:26:03 AM] Mixzilla: oindeed owhy odon't owe ouse oo oas omuch oas othe oother oletters
[13/08/2011 1:26:10 AM] Sebastian<3!: MY BRAIN
[13/08/2011 1:26:14 AM] Sebastian<3!: FUCK
[13/08/2011 1:26:18 AM] Sebastian<3!: FUCK YOU MIX
[13/08/2011 1:26:22 AM] Mixzilla: what gives those pricks the right
[13/08/2011 1:26:32 AM] Mixzilla: just because they are more frequently used
[13/08/2011 1:26:35 AM] Mixzilla: than o
[13/08/2011 1:26:43 AM] Mixzilla: they think they're so great
[13/08/2011 1:27:03 AM] Mixzilla: they're like I'm A and I'm so cool becsuause i'm in a lot of shit
[13/08/2011 1:27:20 AM] Mixzilla: well I'm here to say fuck you A
[13/08/2011 1:27:26 AM] Mixzilla: you aren't that cool
[13/08/2011 1:27:34 AM] Mixzilla: o could kick your ass anyday
[13/08/2011 1:27:39 AM] Sebastian<3!: Mix.
[13/08/2011 1:27:42 AM] Sebastian<3!: Mix.
[13/08/2011 1:27:51 AM] Sebastian<3!: Go to sleep.
[13/08/2011 1:28:02 AM] Mixzilla: I'm just saying O is underapreciated
[13/08/2011 1:28:18 AM] Mixzilla: infact see you used o vtwice
[13/08/2011 1:28:27 AM] Sebastian<3!: MIX.
[13/08/2011 1:28:32 AM] Mixzilla: unlike that fucking up itself A
[13/08/2011 1:29:06 AM] Mixzilla: I'm just saying A is a dick
[13/08/2011 1:29:13 AM] Mixzilla: a relfrighteous dick
[13/08/2011 1:29:16 AM] Sebastian<3!: mix.
[13/08/2011 1:29:22 AM] Mixzilla: that sucks torturedeagle penis
[13/08/2011 1:29:31 AM] Sebastian<3!: Mix.
[13/08/2011 1:29:39 AM] Mixzilla: .... I should go to sleep >.>
[13/08/2011 1:29:45 AM] Sebastian<3!: yes.
[13/08/2011 1:29:49 AM] Sebastian<3!: You should.
[13/08/2011 1:30:00 AM] Mixzilla: I"m not going to want to remeber this when I wake up will I>

Good to know I have at least a mild amount of sense left. I can tell you that definitely I did not want to remeber it.

Anyways that all for now

Mix out

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Okay so I'm going to stop apologizing for like never replying because I'm lazy and do other stuff :P

But today's topic is cupcakes.
Okay so dad bought home a massive tray of cup cakes. Now the little pieces of wonder were like biting into heaven so I ate umm a lot of them to say the very least. And now I have the biggest stomach ache known to man kind. But holy shit they are the most amazing cupcakes ever.

Well yeah that's really all I had to say.

You guys Jelly?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

So Bullet huh?

So over the past week or so I've been catching up on my anita blake novels. So of course there was the usual sex, violence, sex, magic, sex, crime and did I mention sex? I'm seriously over the overtly graphic sex scenes in these books that come close to pushing the series over to the erotica side of things. But me being the noob I am I must keep reading as I cannot leave a series unfinished. Pair that with my overactive imagination and you have yourself a recipe for disaster. So not only have I been creeped the heck out and mentally scarred but bullet had to top it all.

So we open at a dance concert for the child of this absolute cow but husband was a vamp and he died so for some reason that meant the entire cast had to turn up. And then to make it seem readable they threw a few strippers dancing ballet into the mix. But anyways Asher chucked a bitchfit about how he's not getting enough uh "time"with Jean-claude. So he threatens to leave if he doesn't get laid soon. This leads to one ajor bondage session between Asher, Anita, Jean-Claude and suprisingly the homophobic bitch himself, Richard.

So after having to sit through that some vampires come in and attempt to mindsscrew everyone. This of course turns into a major orgy between sooo many people. And tihsi s where I'm at. I really do not need to see this stuff.I was going to do an image to work with this but i'm too lazy so I suggest scrolling down and veiwing my reaction to black swan. They're much alike.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Long time no speak

So sup guys. Yesh I know I've been nelecting all the people of teh interwebz but you see there's a good reason for that.
You see I went back in time to try and save the dinosaurs {Um yeah sorta failed at that} and something you may not be aware of, the internet connection in prehistoric times sucks . It sucks more than my dial up.

But Um yeah I guess today's topic can be Black Swan.
So my grandma and I got pretty excited to go see the new psychological horror ballet movie. But man that movie was so awkward. Like legit I really did not need to see some of the stuff I saw. Don't get me wrong I'm not homophobic or anything like that, it's just watching mila kunis give head to natalie portman really is not on my list of things to do.

It went much like this:
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Well stay tuned for further updates on on random ass adventures and who know's maybe you'll find out the namesake of this place.

So um yeah until next time xoxoxo Mixail

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another day in my fail life

Okay so I had two exams today (wish me luck guys) and I swear if I never have to write another essay again it'll be too soon. But lucky me I have like a gazzillion more assignments and carp this week. Anyways day off tommorrow WOOT. But I did however lose my usb D: Which is mega carp cause you know I like keep my assignments and carp on there.

Well anyways stuff has been going the heck down the past few weeks. I have given up on alice and have moved onto tinkerbell, sad I know but definitely more suited to my gaming level. Even though the thing has been pissing me off to no end like jesus christ everybody wants me to do stuff. It's like go give this to that guy when they aren't even 100 meters away.

As for alice? I got nommed by a giant fish
xx Mixi

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sailor Moon lolz

Okay so yesterday my Best Fisherman Friend and I watched Sailor Moon. I was a damn funny time but it ended up with a discussion about my likeness to Usagi which was actually quite annoying. But all that was forgotten when Mamoru brought out the Tuxedo Mask puppet, it was the funniest thing since the imploding whale (my lips are sealed for now). Like not even kidding he just keeps a puppet of himself lying around most likely for luring children into cars. I swear to god it was fricking hilarious.

In fact you'll notice quite a few things that aren't right about Mamoru if you watch carefully. Such as his odd interest in fourteen year old girls like hmm is that not a tad creepy. But if you look past that you will notice other odd things about him. Such as yiu know the fact he's totally abusive, calling usagi fat, saying total asshole things and at one point he hits her! Legit. Not to mention his amazingly long speeches. Like my god he never shuts the heck up like jesus christ I swear he spends his spare time writing speeches oh that and playing with his puppet.

But alas I'll leave you to decide Mamoru, Pedo or not?