Saturday, August 13, 2011

What I think happened

Okay so this is a carefully reconstructed series of events that I think may have happened based off evidence.

The reason why I shouldn't be allowed up past 12 am

So somehow in my infinite wisdom I decided to stay up ridiculously late. As it turns out tas time wears on my IQ plummets. I woke up to find this little gem sitting on my computer. Apparently yeah the letter A is a dick.

[13/08/2011 1:24:19 AM] Mixzilla: owow
[13/08/2011 1:24:32 AM] Mixzilla: I like thins that begin with o
[13/08/2011 1:24:36 AM] Mixzilla: like ohai
[13/08/2011 1:24:39 AM] Mixzilla: or ohaithar
[13/08/2011 1:24:42 AM] Sebastian<3!: OLOLOLOLOLOL
[13/08/2011 1:24:48 AM] Mixzilla: or like orange
[13/08/2011 1:25:01 AM] Mixzilla: more things should start with o
[13/08/2011 1:25:08 AM | Edited 1:25:15 AM] Mixzilla: olike othis
[13/08/2011 1:25:40 AM] Sebastian<3!: ....
[13/08/2011 1:26:03 AM] Mixzilla: oindeed owhy odon't owe ouse oo oas omuch oas othe oother oletters
[13/08/2011 1:26:10 AM] Sebastian<3!: MY BRAIN
[13/08/2011 1:26:14 AM] Sebastian<3!: FUCK
[13/08/2011 1:26:18 AM] Sebastian<3!: FUCK YOU MIX
[13/08/2011 1:26:22 AM] Mixzilla: what gives those pricks the right
[13/08/2011 1:26:32 AM] Mixzilla: just because they are more frequently used
[13/08/2011 1:26:35 AM] Mixzilla: than o
[13/08/2011 1:26:43 AM] Mixzilla: they think they're so great
[13/08/2011 1:27:03 AM] Mixzilla: they're like I'm A and I'm so cool becsuause i'm in a lot of shit
[13/08/2011 1:27:20 AM] Mixzilla: well I'm here to say fuck you A
[13/08/2011 1:27:26 AM] Mixzilla: you aren't that cool
[13/08/2011 1:27:34 AM] Mixzilla: o could kick your ass anyday
[13/08/2011 1:27:39 AM] Sebastian<3!: Mix.
[13/08/2011 1:27:42 AM] Sebastian<3!: Mix.
[13/08/2011 1:27:51 AM] Sebastian<3!: Go to sleep.
[13/08/2011 1:28:02 AM] Mixzilla: I'm just saying O is underapreciated
[13/08/2011 1:28:18 AM] Mixzilla: infact see you used o vtwice
[13/08/2011 1:28:27 AM] Sebastian<3!: MIX.
[13/08/2011 1:28:32 AM] Mixzilla: unlike that fucking up itself A
[13/08/2011 1:29:06 AM] Mixzilla: I'm just saying A is a dick
[13/08/2011 1:29:13 AM] Mixzilla: a relfrighteous dick
[13/08/2011 1:29:16 AM] Sebastian<3!: mix.
[13/08/2011 1:29:22 AM] Mixzilla: that sucks torturedeagle penis
[13/08/2011 1:29:31 AM] Sebastian<3!: Mix.
[13/08/2011 1:29:39 AM] Mixzilla: .... I should go to sleep >.>
[13/08/2011 1:29:45 AM] Sebastian<3!: yes.
[13/08/2011 1:29:49 AM] Sebastian<3!: You should.
[13/08/2011 1:30:00 AM] Mixzilla: I"m not going to want to remeber this when I wake up will I>

Good to know I have at least a mild amount of sense left. I can tell you that definitely I did not want to remeber it.

Anyways that all for now

Mix out