Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So today was an interesting day all I did was make pasta and barbed wire.

Well the pasta ended up quite interesting and got stuck together so I thought hey let's cut it with a knife, turns out that doesn't work too well. Uh yeah unedible.

I also made some barbed wire at school and ended up with so many bruises, cutss and wounds it isn't funny

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My awesome birhday

Hello again,

So my birthday was a few days ago and I got heap of super awesome pressies including a gift card to an awesome stationary store. So I brought a phone skin with adorable unicorns all over them cuz I'm that awesome.

I also had a party, it was epic. I set a bowl of cheetos on fire by complete accident and made a mega sparkler. Then we watched the tribe and everyone picked on it which upset me because all I wanted to do was watch the first episode but apparently that wasn't going to happen so I had to watch it in shoddy quality on youtube today, not happy. But meh it was goood night.

I had two stay over and we ended up watching vampire knight where one freind spent the whole time wishing for graphic nudity and kept getting disapointed and playing an epic game of "keep (insert name) awake". Untill our victim almost mauled us to death. Then we settled for playing with baloons it was fun.

On an entirely unrelated note can anyone tell me why the vampire knight bonus/side stories always suck? I mean they really aren't that good, so why waste time publishing them? But then again why the hell haven't we got a translated game yet?!?!?? I mean there's more than enough of an audience that would buy it, so why don't we have it **pouts** Sorry that was totally off topic but I was reading the latest actual chapter and it got me thinking.

On another awesome note I have officially made it to book four in the Anita Blake series. I am hooked on it and preee sure Jean-Claude is more total bad-ass than Dimitri Belikov, bet you weren't expecting that one from me huh?

Well anyways I had better go expect more awesome updates and an indepth recount of how this blog got it's name.

Until next time